On The Rise: Jez Dior

We recently had the chance to chat with Epic Records artist, Jez Dior for our On The Rise series! Check out our fun conversation below!


For readers who aren’t familiar with your music, can you share with us how you began your career?
I began writing when I was around 11 or 12, right after I heard Eminem. I just became completely infatuated with him and I related so much. Through my teen years, I really used music as a form of therapy for what I was going through.

You’ve been releasing music publicly since 2013, how would you say you’ve evolved as an artist since then??

I would say I am an artist that is ever changing and  always evolving.. I never want to stop, either. Always doing the same thing bores me to death, so I always try to be innovative when making new music. 

What has been the most monumental moment of your career so far?
The release of Handle With Care, it’s my first full length album and by far my best body of work. This album really is ALL of me.

Credit: Sasha SamsanovaCredit: Sasha Samsanova

Credit: Sasha Samsanova

Do you enjoy taking part in the creative aspects of music, such as cover art, photos, visuals etc.

Yes! Almost every single video I have done, I’ve come up with the concept or worked very closely with the director on the treatments. Same goes for cover art andd other visuals.

Tell us more about your brand new album “Handle With Care”! What was your process like for creating that?

 Handle With Care basically felt like the opportunity for me to tell the story of the first 27 years of my life. It was very therapeutic writing it and opening up about things that I have gone through throughout my life. It is the most personal material I’ve released to date.

what does your usual recording / songwriting session look like??
It is always different depending on who I’m working with, but usually I’ll sit down with a producer and just talk for a bit, chat about whatever I’m feeling that day. For Handle With Care, I worked with people who know me well on a personal level and that I felt super comfortable opening up to. After that, we’ll normally pick up a guitar and go from there, some songs get finished within an hour or so and some take days, It is always different.

Credit: Sasha SamsanovaCredit: Sasha Samsanova

Credit: Sasha Samsanova

Touring is a fun part of being a musician, what is your thoughts on touring? Do you enjoy it? 

Yeeee I love it! touching new cities and seeing the fans is the most rewarding part of this whole thing. without them I’m nothing so it’s really cool to meet them all.

What can we expect from you in 2020??Tours for sure. definitely gonna try to throw out more content so people can get to know me on a personal level as well, & starting album 2!

And lastly can you share any details about upcoming projects? Have you already started writing more new music?
I’m really a quality over quantity kind of guy, I only like to write when I feel like I have something to say or something that can touch people…I finally feel ready again & am getting back into the studio this month


Connect with Jez Dior: Instagram, Spotify & YouTube.

