On The Rise: Will Jay

Los Angeles native, Will Jay is not shy from the music industry. Since starting his solo music career in 2015, he has found his sound and recently released his debut album titled “Perfectionist,” out now on all music streaming platforms!

Total Access Pass has spoken with Will back in 2015 at his first ever solo show in LA and now, we are so happy to share Will Jay as our next “On The Rise” artist! Check out our conversation with Will below!

What would be the first song of yours you would play to show “this is Will Jay?”

I’d definitely play By Now. That song perfectly showcases not only my songwriting but the level of honesty I’m going for in my music. 

Congrats on your debut album release for “Perfectionist!” Do you have a personal favorite track or one that just holds a special memory behind it?

Thank you! Honestly they all have a special place in my heart and my favorite changes depending on the mood I’m in. Right now my favorite is Married to the Music, though. 

How long did it take to decide the amount of songs and which songs to put on “Perfectionis” to make it perfect for release?

It took a few months. I didn’t have the concept of Perfectionist right away so I even went through a couple of different names & overall themes for the album. Talking To Myself actually got added at the last minute; eventually I just had to let go of it being perfect and put it out. 

What was the easiest/hardest part about creating this album?

Once I had the idea of naming the album Perfectionist, all of the songs came very easily to me. The hardest part was honestly getting out of my own way and trusting myself and my ideas. That’s why I love the title Perfectionist so much; it represents me finally sticking to one thing and actually finishing something, which goes against my perfectionist tendencies.

Is there a specific lyric from any of the songs from this album that resonates best with you?

So many. Because this album was super cathartic for me, I feel like I should quote the final song on the album “Loosen up a little bit / it’s never been that serious / try to have some fun with it / don’t be such a perfectionist.” 

What is one thing you want fans to take away from listening to this album from top to bottom?

I really hope anyone listening understands me & my brain a little more. I also hope they’re able to see themselves in the music and understand themselves as well. 

Do you have any upcoming projects that fans can look forward to?

Well, I’m almost done writing my second album! Haha. I have a couple of collaborations coming out soon that I’m excited about. I just want to put out so much music!

Click HERE to listen to “Perfectionist!”

Along with the release of “Perfectionist,” there are some visuals for some songs from the album! Check those out below!


“Must Be Nice”

“I Don’t Want to Die”

“Married to the Music”

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