On The Rise: We Three + New EP release

We had the chance to speak with one of our favorite bands ‘We Three’ about their new EP “We’re all messed up: but it’s Okay” and more!!

Can you take us through your process for creating your new ep “We’re messed up but that’s ok”?

We try to make the process of creating as organic as possible. These five songs were chosen out of a big batch of material because they flowed well together and seemed to tell a story. Eventually the theme came out, “We’re all messed up – but it’s okay”. Some of the songs were written a while ago, like Superman, which we like to say was born during the Lifeline tour. Other songs were written and demoed even during the recording process of this new EP. Once a song is selected, we start building it in the studio.

Would you say you guys have grown as artists since the release of your last body of work?

Yes, we’ve definitely grown as artists since our last release in 2018. It’s important to us to be open to change, so we’ve allowed the process to happen but also tried to stay true to what we know. One thing that we know that’s worked so far is letting the songs lead the way and speak for themselves. We try not to manipulate them into something they’re not.

What was your songwriting process like for this EP?

The process has evolved a lot over the years but for this EP, the songs were all written separately and then brought together for production.

As a band what was the most challenging song to write?

The most challenging song to write was definitely Sara. This song tells the story of a young girl who’s battling loneliness, depression and thoughts of suicide. Trying to tell this story with sensitivity and honesty was one of the most difficult songwriting challenges so far. It’s so tragic that this story has become all too common in our society. We hope this song encourages the Sara‘s of the world to talk, and her friends and family to listen.

what was your favorite part of touring last year?!

It’s so hard to pick a favorite part! We all have different pieces that we loved about touring but one common thread for the three of us was getting to meet all the amazing people who came out to see the shows – some of them drove over 8 hours! We can’t thank them enough for all their support.

are you guys involved in the production aspects of your records?

We are involved in every aspect of making our music. We write everything ourselves and produce with our good friend Keith Sommers of Rorschach Studio.

lastly out of all the songs on the EP, which one holds the most meaning for you guys as songwriters??

Not sure if we could pick just one on this EP….they’re all super meaningful!!


This new EP from We Three, is truly extraordinary! It is so raw and so powerful. This band is known for their deep lyrics and beautiful harmonies, and their new body of work is truly no exception! Each song tells a different story and has a different feeling attached to it. My suggestion is to throw on a pair of headphones and hop into bed because this EP gives you chills and makes you apart of the song, with lyrics so vivid you are immersed into the story they are telling. We Three is truly a force to be reckoned with! This family is crazy talented and everyone needs to listen to them RIGHT NOW!!

Be sure to follow We Three on their socials to stay up-to-date on their upcoming projects, etc.!

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