On The Rise: Georgia Ku

We’re excited to welcome Atlantic Records own Georgia Ku to our On The Rise series! Make sure to check out her brand new EP “Real” NOW! Read our interview below!

Credit: Jimmy FontaineCredit: Jimmy Fontaine

Credit: Jimmy Fontaine

For readers who aren’t familiar with you and your music, can you share with us how you began your musical career?

 In 2013 I packed my bags and flew out to LA from London not knowing anyone, I found out very quickly that it was possible to have a career in songwriting so I focused fully on that & eventually landed myself a publishing deal. In 2015 I was able to move out here permanently & continues to pursue my writing career. After years of hustling through sessions, I wrote one of my biggest songs “Scared to be Lonely” and went on to sign my first record deal with Atlantic Records. Since then I still continue to write for others but I am simultaneously pouring into my own project. 

 Tell us more about your EP ‘Real’! What was it like developing your debut body of work?

 It was hard work but so rewarding! I have not only grown so much as a person during the process but watching these songs go from their rawest form to how they sound now reminds me why I love music so much. I couldn’t be more grateful for everyone involved in the creative process and I’m so proud of this EP.


 What does your typical songwriting session look like?

 It really depends on the day, sometimes if I have something on my mind I want to talk about I will bring it to the session, but most of the time I go with the feeling, as soon as I hear chords or instrumentation that inspire me, my mind will fill with melodies & the lyrics will follow. I generally like to have a co-writer because I love to see other people’s perspectives & ideas and intertwine experiences that I may not have been able to bring to the table had I been alone with my own thoughts. 

 How does your writing differ when writing for yourself versus another artist?

 I never really go into a session with a plan of writing for my project as I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself that way! However, when I know I want to keep a song when I write more specific lyrics or about something that is super close to me. When writing with an artist, I definitely contribute as much as I can but I usually let them lead the way as I want them to feel a connection to their song and be a part of the whole creative process too. 

 Growing up, was music super prevalent in your life? Did you always know you wanted to pursue music?

 I grew up listening to my Dad’s music collection which ranged from The Fugees, and Stevie Wonder to Bob Dylan & Norah Jones. I’ve been singing my whole life but started writing when I was 15, I would sit in my bedroom & write songs from start to finish, melody, and lyrics with no instrument other than my voice, I then picked up a guitar and taught myself basic chords so I could write more. I went on to study music for 3 years before venturing out to the states & realizing I could really make it my career.


 Do you have any advice for fellow musicians and songwriters?

 My advice would be to go hard for what you want! There are so many people with talent and passion, but it takes drive and determination to move the needle. Set realistic goals, learn your trade & always be willing to grow. Most importantly, stay humble and grateful!

 How have you been handling quarantine? Do you feel more or less creative?

 I feel like the quarantine made me reflect on how fast pace the world and this industry is, so I wanted to be as intentional as I could with this unplanned rest time. Luckily I have all my own recording equipment at home so I’m still able to work remotely and stay as creative as I can, I actually finished the EP during the quarantine! 

 Out of all your songs, do you have a favorite?

 I think “What Do I Do?” will always be a favorite of mine as it holds such sentimental value for being my very first release. Honestly, every song on the EP is a part of my story & so specific to me. I poured the same amount of hard work & passion into each song so I’m really proud of all of them! 


 Lastly, where do you hope to see yourself musically in the next 5 years?

 I would love to be touring! To have more songs on the radio so I can reach more people with my music & have a fan base that I can pour into. I’m also really passionate about health and fitness so it would be a huge dream to partner with organizations & brands, anything from mental health to clean eating. As long as I  am using my platform for good & being a light for others, that’s what I’ll be striving for always. 

Credit: Jimmy FontaineCredit: Jimmy Fontaine

Credit: Jimmy Fontaine

Connect With Georgia: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, & Spotify

