On The Rise: Dylan Rockoff

We’re pleased to welcome the talented Dylan Rockoff to our class of 2020 On The Rise family 🙂 Make sure to check out his music and support him during this rough time for musicians everywhere!! Check out our contributor Tori’s conversation with Dylan below!

Credit: Nolan KnightCredit: Nolan Knight

Credit: Nolan Knight

For readers who are’familiar with you and your music, can you share with us how you began your musical journey?

Sure! I started on the piano when I was about 6 years old, fell in love with the guitar at 12, and started singing once my voice settled in around 14.

Tell us more about your new album “Semicolon & parentheses”! Can you take us through what your journey was like from its inception to its release?

I started writing songs for this project when I moved to Nashville in 2018 – I jumped into the co-writing scene really quickly down here. Eventually I had a handful of songs that I felt painted an accurate picture of my life, up to this point.

Truth be told, the album came together pretty serendipitously. I didn’t set out to make an album, but through honest writing, I ended up with a collection of songs that really narrated the dynamic of my mid-20s.

Growing up who were your musical influences? have any of them flowed into your sound now?

I was raised on classic rock & Motown: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Allman Brothers, Pink Floyd, Marvin Gaye, the Jackson 5… I think the classic rock influence shines through in my live show, whereas the Motown influence shows in my songwriting.

How would you say you’ve grown musically since your first albums in 2016?

I’ve gotten much more in touch with all of my different influences since 2016. Back then I was really all about being a pop-rock singer-songwriter. Since then I’ve started to embrace more hip-hop, r&b, and urban influences.


What has it been like having so many incredible things happen already in your career?! Did you ever expect yourself to blow up as you have?!

It’s been quite a journey, that’s for sure. I’m so grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had thus far, but I’m not one to pat myself on the back too often. I’m always looking to get better and do cooler things. That said, I always remind myself to keep things in perspective, and to ask “what would 14 year old Dylan think of this?” The answer is always “HE WOULD BE STOKED!”

How has being from Nashville affected your music? Is it true when people say Nashville is incredibly creative?

I think the biggest way Nashville has affected my music has been the way it’s shaped my understanding of songwriting. The songwriters down here really know how to be incredibly profound with words, a single instrument, a voice, and nothing else. They’re so creative and so talented, so you have to constantly be on your game if you want to make good impressions.

What is your favorite part of performing live? what does your typical day on tour look like?

I love connecting with fans. I love seeing them sing along to the songs that I’ve created, and seeing the way it moves and affects them. It reminds me why I do what I do. I want to reach people and make them feel something. Getting to meet them and get to know their stories is what it’s all about.

We stay busy on tour:

Wake up


Listen to music/podcasts

Tell jokes/make each other laugh





Rock out!

Talk to fans


Every artist has a different songwriting story and process, what does yours look like? Can you share with us how you find your inspiration?

I have thousands of notes and voice memos on my phone. I’m constantly jotting down lyric ideas and recording melodies/guitar parts. I’d say about 5% of them turn into songs while the rest will probably never be completed. Usually I’ll bring those notes/melodies in as a place to start, and my co-writers & producers will help me see the vision through.

Where do you see yourself musically in the next 5 years?!

I definitely see myself trying to bridge the gap between guitar-pop and hip-hop/urban. The guitar is my instrument and the vehicle I understand most. I think people are really into hip-hop/urban right now, and have maybe forgotten the guitar’s voice in the pop medium. I would love to put those two elements together in my own way.


For you as a musician what has it been like right now in these hard times in the industry due to COVID-19, do you have any tips for anyone else struggling?

Personally, I love connecting with fans in a live music setting. That’s where I’m most comfortable and make the strongest impression – it’s been tough not being able to do it. So many of my fellow artists are in the same boat, but I think we all need to go to work now and create new music – to document our feelings and experiences in these hard times so we can communicate them to our fans when we are able start playing live again. It’s going to be special once things go back to normal! Can’t wait to celebrate the good times again ️<3


Connect with Dylan: Instagram, Twitter, & Website (merch)

