On the rise: Jackie Castro

We recently had the chance with speak with up and coming artist, Jackie Castro! Check out our conversation below πŸ™‚

For our readers who are new to your music, can you tell us how you began your career in music?!

I began my career in music in a folk/pop trio called Castro that I was in with my two brothers! We released an EP and got to tour with incredible people like Gavin DeGraw and Andy Grammer and I learned so much from it. In 2018 I decided it was time to find my own path and begin writing for my debut solo project!

What was it like creating your debut single “You Want It, I Want”?!

I actually wrote that one while I was still in my band, so originally it was meant for that project. We were experimenting with pop music at the time and I remember hearing the demo for the first time and being more excited about it than anything else I had ever been a part of! It was the first time I really started understanding what my own sound and style was.


Tell us more about your newest release “Romanticize” What was your songwriting process like?!

The songwriting process for this one was really fun because it actually just unfolded from real-life events. The idea started while I was checking out at the grocery store because a song came on the radio that got me all in my feelings about a person from my past. That’s when I was like wait….I’m just romanticizing him! I got in my car and recorded a voice memo with the word romanticize in it and took it to my next writing session where we finished it!

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You come from a very musical family! Has that ever had an effect on the artist you wanted to become?!

Coming from a musical family definitely had a huge impact on me. They taught me everything I know about music and it really helped me grow and discover the kind of artist I wanted to be by giving me the tools to find my own path in music!

what is your favorite part of getting to create music?

I love so many things about it! I love the way it helps me process my feelings. I love how I have pieces of my life captured through my songs that I can look back on and know exactly how I was feeling at the time. I also love getting to connect with other people who feel the same way I do.

What is your biggest goal at this point in your life?

Hmm I would love to win a Grammy and go on an arena tour!

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Can we expect any live shows coming up soon?!

Live shows are definitely in the works so stay tuned!

 And lastly, can you share with us any details of what you’re working on now?!

I am so excited to share that my 3rd single, “Hourglass,” is coming out on November 15th! This one is very dear to my heart and I can’t wait for everyone to hear it.


