On The Rise: Spencer Sutherland

We are officially winding down the time we have left in 2019, and we want to shed light on some of our favorite acts from this year! We recently got to chat with the one and only Spencer Sutherland for our On The Rise series! Keep an eye out for Spencer in 2020! Check out our conversation below đŸ™‚

Credit to Lexi Alley

For readers who don’t know your music, can you share with us how you began your journey?

I basically started performing in local restaurants in my hometown. From there I played shows at small venues for 3-4 people and slowly built a dedicated fanbase! Everything from making covers and meeting people at One Direction concerts, haha. Then it brought me to release my own original music!

2019 has been an incredible year for you! What have been some of your most memorable experiences?

It has been a GREAT year! My best experiences are for sure touring around the U.S! I got to do my own headline tour this year, and that was so surreal and fun. Also, I was able to play my first ever arena, which was mind-blowing. My first ever EP came out this year as well!

What does your typical songwriting process look like?

It’s so different every session! Sometimes it’s like more acoustic-based and others it’s track-based. Honestly, I let the vibe and feeling lead. I never try to force anything!

As a musician, what is your favorite part of getting to tour and share your music with everyone?

I love connecting with fans the most! It’s why I do this and why I get to do this!

Do you take part in the production aspects of your records? Do you go into the studio with an idea of what you want to create??

Yes, I make a lot of noises with my mouth and also lay down some guitar or percussion noises. It’s really a cool, weird process, haha. But all the writing topics are real to my life!

You headed out on your first headlining tour over the summer! What was that like for you?

That was amazing! I’ve always wanted to have MY shows, so it was just so special. My fans are truly the best.

Creativity is huge in the music industry, do you enjoy taking part in the artistic elements of music such as cover art, visuals, photography, etc.?

I LOVE it. I feel like not enough artists do it. I don’t like the idea of a manufactured image, so I think it’s cool I have a team who lets me be me.

Tell us about your debut EP “NONE of this has been about you.” Was it thrilling to be able to put out a full body of work? How do you feel it captured your artistry?

It was very thrilling. I feel like it’s a snapshot in time of my mind and life experiences. It’s like a musical diary. I love that my fans and everyone is able to connect and know what I was going through and thinking. I think a project does a lot for an artist in a lot of ways. It lays a good foundation, and as you can tell, foundation laying is something I’ve done a lot of!

What are your goals for 2020?

My goals are to continue to be happy doing this! I want to tour even more! I want to go to Europe and Asia, and I want to experience more and see/connect with more people!

Can you share with us what’s next for you?! Do you have any upcoming projects?

I just dropped my brand new single “Grateful.” I’m so excited with how it’s doing. I’ve never had a song rise this fast in the streaming world, so it’s so exciting! Music video on the way, then more music early next year!

Thank you so much for chatting with me today!! I’m so excited you’re on our on the rise series! Everyone needs to hear your music!

Thanks so much for having me! See you soon!!


