On The Rise: Michelle Ray

We’re very excited to welcome this multi talented, singer-songwriter to our on the rise mix! From the theatre to traveling the globe, Michelle Ray is gracing audiences with her incredible gifts! Check out our conversation with Michelle below!


For readers who aren’t familiar with you and your music, can you share with us how you began your musical journey?

I started singing before I could talk. I begged my mom for vocal lessons but she wanted to wait until I got a little older because she was told how crazy the industry can be. I started at age 10 and entered my first vocal competition at age 11, and the rest is history as they say. I grew up in an extremely musical home. My dad manages a rock band, Royal Hunt, whom I went to watch at age 7 in Japan, performed backing vocals on their national tours at age 17, and opened for their sold-out shows in Japan at age 26! I also grew up in the home my mom grew up in and we lived with my grandma who was a music manager and music connoisseur. She played classical music throughout the house while my parents taught my brother and I 80’s rock and roll. My grandma managed an Opera singer, Misha Raitzin, who I was named after. He was a Tenor at the Metropolitan Opera House in NYC. There was no way I was not going to be in the music world.

We’re so excited about your new single ‘I’m fine’! What was the inspiration behind that track?

Ah, thank you!! I’m super excited as well, I just started working with Taller Mgmt and they have been incredible with the release process so it’s been a lot of fun. The featured artist, Michael Blum, and I went to middle school together (the single artwork is taken right from Great Neck Middle School yearbook.) This was only our second session together and the song came to life magically. Originally, we were writing for placement for some other artists but I just fell so in love with it I had to put it out myself. This song is about being okay with not being okay. We’ve all had that one situation, whether it be love life, business, or truly any relationship that we want to make work but can’t and THAT IS OKAY. We all emotionally take this journey where we try and convince ourselves “we are fine, I’m fine, this is all fine.” You know what? It is!! Be not okay, take your time, and feel all the feelings. 

Growing up, who were your musical influences? Have any of them attributed to the artist you are today?

I naturally gravitated towards soul/r&b pop music and musical theater growing up. I was obsessed with Christina Aguilera when I first started singing and she of course still influences me to this day. Christina is a queen of soul and has always been unapologetically herself. From her self titled Album in ’99 to Stripped in ’02 and Back to Basics ’06, I studied her soulful inflections and how she was able to merge herself into the pop world at the same time. I dislike when artists feel like they have to be pigeon-holed into one genre. 

What does your typical studio session consist of? Do you have any tips for musicians who are afraid to record original music?

A typical studio session consists of chatting with the writers and producers for a little whether I have written with them before or just met them. Getting comfortable with who you work with is super important when writing/recording. You want to feel like you’re in a safe space. I usually take my shoes off (because duh) and cozy up on the floor or couch criss-cross in my socks. Sometimes I’ll sip on wine and just let the music take me away. The creative process is unlike any other, ideas bouncing off from musician to writer with lyrics and melodies is one of the coolest things in the world. It’s therapeutic, you get to talk about how you feel and what you feel passionate about and put it into a song.

Tips for musicians who are afraid to record original music…don’t be. Trust your process, trust that what you have to say is important. We want to get to know you and what you stand for. <3 

How did you get into theatre?! has acting and or musician theatre always been a passion of yours?

I naturally fell in love with theater when I started taking singing lessons, learning musical theater songs such as “Honey Bun” from South Pacific made me feel a burst of joy in my heart. Wow, that’s SO cheesy but it’s the truth. From then on I was involved in the Theater Programs at both Great Neck South Middle School and Great Neck South High School. They had such intense and professional programs where I really learned to hone my skills. I was the youngest to ever play Reno Sweeney in Anything Goes thanks to the director, Gabe Carras, and musical director, Alan Schwartz, who believed in me back then. I went on to play the Witch in Into The WoodsElaine in the drama Arsenic and Old Lace, performed in the a cappella singing groups, and out in Los Angeles I performed in The Album Project: Jagged Little Pill and Green Day’s American Idiot. Musical theater/acting has and always will be a passion of mine and I hope to continue to do it! 

What did it feel like the first time you heard one of your songs on TV?! 

Eek. It was one of the coolest feelings in the world!!! You just sit there and repeat, that’s me singing right? Ok ok cool. Honestly, is a surreal feeling when hard work is being recognized by others. 

What has been your favorite part of performing live? Do you have any rituals?

My favorite part of performing live is being able to connect with people who love music on a whole new level. I love the adrenaline rush and I, of course, can’t even describe the euphoria of singing on stage, it’s one of my favorite places in this world. I get nervous before every show, whether it’s for two people or a full-on concert. I do my vocal warm-ups, thanks to Tim Carter, and do some breathing exercises. I also drink one of the best whiskey drinks, hot toddies! Yasss.

Do you enjoy taking part in the creative elements of music? (Photoshoots, cover art, graphics, music videos. etc)

Any chance I get to be creative, I’m all in! I’m always heavily involved with cover art for singles, music video ideas, etc. What I put out as an artist is an extension of myself. 

How are you handling the current state of our world? Do you have any advice for any musicians struggling right now due to the pandemic?

What a time we are living in right now, one that will be written in history books. Music has been such a big part of my sanity while I’ve been quarantining. My fiancé and I have been making silly Corona Parody music videos (if anyone wants to check them out on my Instagram!) which have been so much fun to make. Hopefully, that can make you guys smile. I think of this time as a good opportunity for musicians to hone their craft, practice the piano, write songs, and put music out. People are home and want to engulf themselves in new music!

Lastly, what do you envision yourself doing artistically in the next five years?! 

In the next five years, I artistically envision myself creating an empire with my team Taller Mgmt. 

In the next five years, I artistically envision myself creating an empire with my team Taller Mgmt. 

Connect with Michelle Ray: Instagram, Spotify, Website

