On The Rise: Hello Forever

We’re so excited to share with you our conversation with new On The Rise members, Hello Forever, amid their debut album release on the 21st! Check out our chat below!

Credit: Brandon WeissCredit: Brandon Weiss

Credit: Brandon Weiss

For readers who aren’t familiar with you and your music, can you share with us how you began your musical journey?

I started out as nothing in eternal darkness just like the rest of us and somehow popped into a body on Earth. Ever since then I’ve been singing and listening to music and have always played music since I was too young to remember. 

As we approach the release date for your debut album, how are you guys feeling to finally be putting a full body of work out?

We are stoked, grateful and excited. It’s our current chapter, but it’s also the start of a new one. As artmakers, completing something lets you make peace with it and move on, and what we all really love doing is creating new music. Being free to create again is wonderful and also being able to share music with people and channel them into experiences of their own through the art that we’ve made is really special. We’re grateful to be able to do that for people as well. 


 What was your process like for developing your album? Can you take us through your typical songwriting process?

It’s a celebration and relief. I’ve always wanted to put out a record and it feels really great to share music with the world. 

 What inspired your sound? Would you say you were influenced by either musicians or people?

Both — people absorb and reflect what they experience, what’s around them. Growing up with the internet, you hear so much, and living in LA, you get to see so much; and I’ve been immersed in very diverse styles of music, so it all kinda comes through however it does. I’m super grateful for that and for being able to be exposed to so much. 

 Can you share with us what making music means to you? How does it make you guys as a band, feel that you get to share your music to thousands of listeners?

It feels like a miracle and a privilege, super sacred. I think anything can be sacred if you bring your heart to it. It’s kind of magical and mysterious how music arises and refracts other patterns in nature, refracts patterns of older music and patterns of language. It’s a blessing to get to be a part of that, That’s with any art-making and almost anything people do is that way. Music is our path and we like it. 

 How would you say you guys have evolved from your first single to your debut album?!

We kind of finished them all at once. We’ve been putting them out and we’ve evolved tremendously with all the music that’s been written since the completion of the album while we’ve been preparing for its release. I’m excited about the next couple of albums we’ve written. It’s a big transformation for us and it’s exciting.


 Would you say that your geographical location has an influence on your look and style?

From an anthropological standpoint, yes. Culture is holistic and every aspect of a culture is expressed in an individual’s particular trait – so our traits can only be understood in the context of culture as a whole. I think it’s inevitable. 

 Do you enjoy taking part in visual elements such as music videos, graphics, photoshoot, etc?

It depends on the day. Sometimes it feels like an authentic expression and it’s new to us to do that as part of our creative practice.  We’ve been musicians way longer than we’ve had social media. It’s definitely an adjustment, but we embrace it. We find joy and truth in that practice as well. 

 What can we expect from you this year?! Can you share any upcoming projects?!

Yes! We’re making our next album right now and you’ll be hearing some of that this year. We’re gonna be on the road and playing at festivals that we’ll announce soon. We’re really excited <3


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