On The Rise: Clancy

We had the chance to speak with the incredible Clancy for our the rise series! Keep your eye on her in 2020! Read our conversation below!

Credit: Alex HeardCredit: Alex Heard

Credit: Alex Heard

For readers who aren’t familiar with your music, can you share with us how you began your career?! 

About a year ago I connected with a producer out of London, England and started my artist project there. I came back to LA in September and started performing the tracks I wrote. I’ve always been writing, singing, and performing since I was young so taking it to the next level has been dope. 

Your debut single “Subconscious Suicide” is incredible! What was it like releasing that to the public? Did you expect your first release to do as well as it has?! 

Yooo subconscious is such a relieving track. I have been waiting to release something that feels exactly like me, for the public to finally get an idea of what’s coming, this track did that for me so super happy. 


As a songwriter is it ever difficult to take your deep personal stories and transform them into lyrics??

Nahhh I thrive on turning it all to lyrics. I like saying weird shit and twisting it to metaphors or like its almost interpretive to who’s listening. I always find new ways to write/explain a feeling or experience. 

With having your first release in the world, has the reception and feedback helped you decipher the artist you want to become??

Yeah definitely. Especially seeing who I am being compared too… like how to NOT be like them… lol. But at the end of the day, I can’t be anything but myself so im just pushing it out hoping people wanna fuck with it. 

Who are your musical influences? Have they impacted your sound or writing style?

Oooo. I love 70s, early 2000s, hip hop. I’d say, Debbie Harry, Stevie Nicks, Avril Lavigne, Kesha, BANKS. Stevie influences lyrics for sure and BANKS influences production/vocal style, the rest influence just my personal style, I guess. 

Screen Shot 2020-01-22 at 2.11.08 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-01-22 at 2.11.08 PM.png

Do you believe that having a message you want to share with the world, is a critical part of being a musician?! What’s your message?

I just want to spread peace honestly, it is a crazy-ass world but life is what you make it so try to make it as light as possible. Oh, and do whatever the fuck you want. 

As a musician, do you enjoy taking part in the creative elements of your tracks? Such as cover art, photos, music videos, etc?!

I do it all. No ones deciding nothing on my behalf… I’m an annoying perfectionist that way. 

What can we expect from you this year?! Can you share any upcoming projects?! 

Yess!! Lots of live stuff with the band we are determined to take everyone groupies and have some stupid fun shows. More music of course… next single out next month

Credit: Alex HeardCredit: Alex Heard

Credit: Alex Heard


