On The Rise: Alex Harris

This is our second to last interview of the year! We are so excited to have Epic Records artist, Alex Harris be apart of our On The Rise series! Check out our conversation below!!

For our readers who aren’t familiar with your music, can you share with us how you began your musical journey?

Thank you for the opportunity to share. I have been obsessed with music since I was young. I was fascinated with memorizing the songs that my mom would play in the car when we would go places. I would imitate the artist I was listening to and it spiraled into me creating my own persona and style as an artist. I got into writing songs after going through it with this girl I was with. I kind of wanted to reinvent myself so I just started putting myself out there. Since I’ve lived all over Texas working with artist and sharing the music. I’m currently in Atlanta, GA working on my debut album. Just going through the motions and writing songs about the highs and lows I feel all of people go through. 

Your new single 88 is incredible, it’s such a smooth listen and you really get immersed in the story, what was your inspiration behind it??

Thank you. That record is really special to me because I wrote it during a time where I really felt like I was chasing a dream I couldn’t afford to. I was washing cars in Dallas, and giving the local music scene my all and I just couldn’t help but feel that things might not get better for me with the music. But what I learned is that no matter if 2 people listen to me or millions I have to write this music because it helps me recover. The song is about not giving up and letting the music take you to your next destination. For me, I’ve always based where I’m going to live on how much music can I get done there.  

Tell us more about your debut EP “Pink Cloud” ! do you believe it captured your essence at the time of its release? 

I think Pink Cloud was my way of showcasing all the different genres I am influenced by. I wanted to make an EP different than any other of the early work I was doing. I wanted to also see by putting 5 songs so different from one another together to see where the audience was leaning towards more. 


Your sound and style is so uniquely you, how were you able to find the perfect blend of so many genres? Did it come naturally?

I appreciate that, thank you. I think my sound has developed through a lot of trial and error. I’ve just tried so many different sounds in the beginning that I think I got it out of my system. I think I finally now have figured out a better way to take influence from all the different genre’s that inspire me and put just enough of each of them in to fit me personally. I can tell that I am more comfortable performing the new material because I wrote the records from my true voice as an artist. 

As a musician do you enjoy taking part in the artistic and visual elements of your music? such as cover art, music videos, tour visuals, etc!

I really do. I’ve always had my hands in that process from the beginning. And before music was my expressive out let I would paint and make sculptures. Visual art and music are my favorite things to blend. 

What does a typical studio session entail for you and your team?

A typical session is creating an energy around whatever record were going to work on. I’m all about setting a mood in the studio. Like if it is raining outside I might want the music to be dreary and the lights low. I want to feel theatrics when I make music so the people I have around me and where we choose to record is very important. If were making a record to party to, then we party and express that in real life as we create. 


As an artist of many genres, do you feel connected to one over the other? What music is your favorite to listen to as a consumer?

I feel like I’m raising two children –rap and Rnb. I have to pay them both the same amount of attention because I love them the same. I base my mood on what type of genre I dive into. As a consumer I am very eclectic so I like a lot of old music. I’m big about referencing. At the moment I’m listening to a lot of old outlaw country music. 


What is your stance on the Hip Hop industry and all of the constant feuds and scandals over songwriting?

I don’t like to see anybody fighting over music because it’s one of the greatest gifts to society. It should bring people together, but I write all of my music and don’t really entertain other people writing for me because I speak on such personal things about myself. With that being said, some of my favorite artist of all times had songwriters so I respect it at certain levels. 


Do you take part in the production and mixing aspects of your records? Do you have creative control over your mixes?

I just review the mixes and give feedback. I don’t really sit in with the engineer because I don’t like to be observed while I create and try new things myself. I give them the space 

What can we expect from you in 2020?!

A new album and a lot more shows on the way. Also just new collaborations with other artists and connecting with the fans. 


