Catching up with Catie Turner

Most of our readers have seen Catie content here on TAP, at this point have you figured out that me and Catie are actually friends in real life yet?!! It is always a pleasure to sit down with this amazing girl and chat about her incredible new music. Today Catie dropped a brand new single “One Day”, this is definitely a new sound and a new era that I’m insanely excited for!! I’m always so proud of her and her talent never fails to amaze me, ok enough sappiness , Check out of convo down below!

Tell us more about your new single ‘One Day”?!

One Day is a single about taking it ….. one day …. at a time. I wrote it about a boy, but with this pandemic – that is just one of the messes of 2020 – it kind of found a new meaning.

Credit: Autumn Larkin

What did your writing session look like for one day?

It was me and my two good friends, Andrew and Annika. I will set the scene. July, 2019. Nashville, Tennessee. A very much in love Catie comes in screaming over how her boyfriend at the time proposed to her – but not with a ring; just a promise and a question – very lowkey. Of course, the sane people they are, have obvious questions and doubts, to which I validate. “Pffft oh yeah, totally! He is insaneeeeeee, who would do that? We are rushing!” So, the whole song is based off a lie: I sound apprehensive, but you KNOW I was the physical embodiment of the heart-eye emoji going “yes!” 

How would you say your new era will differ from your idol/sad vegan days?

More heartbroken. More sad. 

What does your typical day look like nowadays?!

 Looking at Etsy, admiring the pretty things on Etsy, eat, sleep, then repeat. Quarantine is the killer of the creative.

Credit: Jimmy Fontaine

As a fan of many artists yourself, do you see fangirls as the next generation of people in music?

 THIS IS A REAL THING. YES. Fan girls ARE the next generation of people in music; it’s not an opinion: it’s a fact. I have met so many people that I have followed on my fan accounts in the same field, and it is an instant soul bond. A connection. There is no one who can put into words the magical feeling of meeting fellow fan girls and realizing that we are THRIVING. 

What advice do you have for younger musicians & songwriters?

 Write for yourself. Once you start writing for radio, or trying to match the energy of a Top 10 hit, you have now made it all mechanical. And sure, it can still be good, don’t get me wrong. It can even be a bop. But it will be missing the individualism that defines you as an artist. Write like no one will ever see your songs. Write your secrets. Write your darkest thoughts. Get it all out. That is where you will shine; that is where the real money is. 

How has covid impacted you personally? are you feeling more or less creative recently!


Where do you see yourself personally and professionally in the next 5 years?

I can’t answer that question – I can’t even see me in the next five weeks. I hope really successful….and hot. Successful and hot – those are the goals. Also, I want to own a pig and goats too; I want a personal petting zoo. 

Credit: Jimmy Fontaine


