The Backstory of Your Playlist

Our world has definitely been given an eye opener due to current events…

Music. The worlds healing method. Good for the soul. Tells a story. Elicits emotions. And most importantly can bring us all together…

What is your favorite genre of music?! Is it Pop, Rock, R&B, Jazz, Hip Hop, Rap, Country? Did you know that every genre listed above was either CREATED or inspired by generations of African & African Americans? The influence of the African American community on mainstream American music began in the 19th century. With banjos, folk and work songs, drums, spiritual hymns, and pure influence from Africa, modern day American music was born.

You cannot imagine American music without its African influences. It just doesn’t exist,” said Benjamin Harbert, an assistant professor of music in the Department of Performing Arts.

Jazz and the Blues were genres pioneered by the black community. Without them and their advances to not only music, but the culture, those genres would not have the notoriety they do today.

”Jazz is a dynamic genre that welcomes new influences and has a wide variety of styles and forms, such as the easily danceable swing, frantic and highly improvisational bebop associated with Charlie Parker, and experimental, chaotic free jazz of Ornette Coleman. Just as jazz musicians incorporated other forms of music into jazz — Miles Davis and Herbie Hancock’s renowned infusions of soul and funk” (Dressman, Mac. The Hoya) For an in depth look at the evolution of musical styles check out this infographic

Rock & Roll. Arguably one of the most influential styles of music on not only America but the world. Rock was influenced by r&b, Jazz, country music and more, and as a genre Rock influenced many other sub genres. Everyone in the world knows Elvis Presley as the father of Rock & Roll, yes he’s an icon in American music, but he is NOT the founder. Have you ever heard of Chuck Berry? He is a black man who is one of the pioneers for Rock & Roll but his name only shows up a few times in history. Last question, do you know Sister Rosetta Tharpe? She is the ORIGINAL creator of the Rock & Roll genre! She attained popularity in the 1930s and 1940s with her gospel recordings, characterized by a unique mixture of spiritual lyrics and rhythmic accompaniment that was a precursor of rock and roll. Tharpe was a pioneer in her guitar technique; she was among the first popular recording artists to use heavy distortion on her electric guitar, presaging the rise of electric blues.

All musical genres are intertwined one way or another, and their common connection? The creation or influence from the black community. Here is my statement to readers everywhere.

As a music lover, do you support black lives matters? I understand that not many support the BLM movement for their own reasons or beliefs, but if you’re listening to the radio or have your headphones in, you’re inherently supporting an industry that was founded on the backs of black influence and culture. So I’ll ask again, do you support Black Lives Matters?

The music industry is known for gatekeeping black cultures and creations… How come white artists can take credit for Genres and their attributions to that era, but the black community who founded and influenced this can’t get the credit they deserve. How can whites use black and minority stereotypes in clothing, hair styles, vocal tonalities & more in music videos, TV, movies etc.

My mind races thinking of how much black history and culture has been shunned and packed away by the music industry. For example, the punk and grunge scenes are historically known to be pioneered by groups of white men… Punk Rock is home to all colors, races, identities & more, so what happened in history that white prevailed over all the other amazing musicians?

The conversation of white privilege is one to be had, and had IMMEDIATELY. I don’t think there’s anything else to be said here in my argument that white artists have always been seen as superior. It’s time to look at the black community and say thank you. No matter what you believe, without the incredible black people of our past music would never be the same. To the young black artists wanting to take a leap into the music industry, DO IT! Your voice needs to be heard, your ideas need to be heard, your influence needs to be shared.

Music is a universal language of the world. Why must we be divided, when something as huge as music can showcase diversity? While the diversity in the performing arts industries is not where it needs to be and is still NOT equal, there is still presence of the black community within the arts. My question may be controversial, but to those who are filled with prejudice are you even aware of the inventions and influence created by generations of African Americans? Are you aware that the music you listen to was invented or influenced by them as well? Do you drive a car everyday? Do you stop at a stop light? That keeps you safe right? Well awesome! That was also created by a black person! During the pandemic you’re relying on grocery stores and a steady food source right? Well fun fact, you wouldn’t have fresh food if it wasn’t for a black man who created a refrigerated truck that delivers food nationwide!

This conversation goes far beyond music, and we need a change! Not only the music industry but all industries need to step up and accept their past, figure who created or influenced their craft, and learn how to be more inclusive and accepting in the future. Black lives do matter, not just now but ALWAYS!

Please help us spread the message of BLM, preventing acts of systemic racism, and getting justice for the countless black lives lost due to police brutality. All information and resources can be found here.

No Justice, No peace.


A message from total access pass’ ceo/founder:

Hello Everyone,

As you all may have noticed, Total Access Pass has taken a little break from posting on our site and slowing down on social media posts this past week due to current events. Thank you in advance for hearing us out and understanding our view on the situation. Regular content will be up on our site within these next few weeks.

Until the next post, see you soon!

Tiffany Pham

Total Access Pass, CEO/Founder

