A Conversation with Frankie Zulferino

We recently had the chance to chat with emerging artist Frankie Zulferino!! Check out our conversation below!


For readers who aren’t familiar with your music, can you share with us how you began your musical journey?
I began my musical journey when I was about 12! I started taking vocal lessons and was heavily involved in doing a lot of community theatre work; I always thought Broadway was going to be my thing . That all changed when I turned 18 and auditioned to be in the boyband “Wow” . It really changed my whole life and shaped my future – it was one of the most impactful times of my life! I learned so much about music, myself, touring, videos, and just the music business in general.

Currently, what artists are you listening to?! Have any shaped your musical style??

I honestly usually go back in time for my inspiration; I like to study the greats ! Everything from the 50s to Motown, to disco, to now. It ranges from from pop, r&b, rock, country, dance, etc.

Tell us more about your debut album “No Boundaries”!! 

My album was really a project out of love. I had a hard time for years trying to figure out my sound because I’m influenced by so many genres of music. I feel that we live in a time where it’s important to be our true authentic selves and because of that, I decided to make my album with “no boundaries “. No ties, no constraints; just whatever I was feeling and whatever my heart wanted to say. I didn’t give myself any rules or limits ! I want my music to be fluid and I don’t want to be locked in a box and tied to one thing or one idea. I feel as an artist we need to constantly reinvent ourselves and grow and keep our audience wanting more! 


To date, what has been the most monumental moment of your career?! 

I’ve been blessed to have many amazing career moments but the coolest moment was being in the car in Florida and unexpectedly hearing my song on the radio. That feeling was like nothing else, it’s something I dreamt of since I was a kid and I will never forget that moment.  

Growing up, was music always present in your personal and home life? 

Music has always been a huge part of my life; my mom always had music playing in the car and in our home since I was a kid. It’s always been the one thing that makes me feel truly whole. 

What was it like releasing your debut single “Stuck on you”?!  

The first time I even listened to the demo of “Stuck On You” I knew it was special. Of course, I love all the songs I record and create, but this one I just knew was extra special. To me it’s just one of those timeless records and it will never go out of style. 

What would be your dream tour?!

My dream tour would be to open up for Jennifer Lopez! She’s always been one of my favorite artists and I look up to her for so many reasons; her work ethic, commitment, her hustle, and she is the ultimate entertainer in my eyes.

What can we expect from you in 2020?

I’m hoping to start my new year by bringing my project to Europe! I’m working on a lot of things there; my main goal is to be touring and performing.

Can you share with us any upcoming projects?!

I can’t say anything specific right now because there are a lot of things in the works, but I can say it’s going to bring a lot of changes and new journeys!


Connect with Frankie: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

