Singer-Songwriter Alex Di Leo talks touring, new singles, music production and so much more!


We had the chance to speak with Nashville based indie-pop artist Alex Di Leo about everything from his inspirations, life on tour, his new singles and so much more! Check out our conversation below!

What inspired you to want to become a musician??

When I was 10 my grandma randomly gifted me an acoustic guitar. This was the start of it all. I had never expressed an interest for music so it was super random but I thank her everyday for this journey she was a part of helping me start. Around 12 I started a band and we won a talent show our school had held that year. This really motivated to explore music and what more I could do. I put several different bands together from that point till the end of high school where I had decided to go solo.

How do you think you’ve grown since your first EP “So we go”?

A lot has changed since I released the “So We Go” EP. Every aspect in my life is different. I’ve definitely gotten a bit more personal with what’s going on in my life relationship wise and I’ve also started writing a little more about my inner thoughts and how I’ve been. Excited for you to hear a little more of how my life has been and what I’ve learned in the upcoming releases!


If you could tell your younger self one thing what would it be?

If I could tell my younger self one thing I’d tell myself not to be afraid of the unknown. You discover so much about yourself and life when you put yourself into the unknown. 

What is your favorite part of performing?!

My favorite part of performing is hearing people sing the songs I’ve written. The endless possibilities of what could happen during a show also really keeps me on my toes. 

Tell us more about your new single, “High” what was your inspiration behind it?!

Being High to me is about being in your happy place. The chorus sings “I’m wishing I was high…yea I’m dead sober, wishin’ it was over, thinkin’ bout the nights we’ve had.”Your happy place could be anything..and when your sober you’re wishing you could be High.

Take us through your songwriting process!

Normally the songwriting process starts with an idea that comes across me at the most random time and I voice memo it on my phone. I find that a lot of these ideas come when I’m traveling or when I’m out having a good time and a bit drunk. Then I’ll take one of the ideas I really like and sit with a friend or myself to finish it. My favorite way to write a song is on the acoustic or piano. It allows you to really hear the song before any of the music is added.


Most of your songs are self produced, do you enjoy music production??

Lately my songs have been produced by a friend but I’m really involved in the production process so I end up co-producing. I’ve been working on songs myself recently and am looking forward to being able to produce a song from start to finish on my own.

Who is your favorite artist, and has anyone inspired your music?

A lot of my inspiration came when I was around 12-14. I grew up listening to bands like The Fray, The Killers, Snow Patrol, ColdPlay, Phoenix and other bands like that. One of my greatest influences is Chris Martin. The way he and the band were able to evolve with everything they did is fascinating to me. 

You’re reaching the end of your headline “Strange open land” tour, do you have a favorite memory yet?

This tour has been very different in a special way. I’ve never spent so much time performing solo and it’s given me a new perspective on myself. I visited many cities I’ve never been to before like St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia. But my favorite part of the tour was opening for Max Frost. He’s a great guy to be out on the road with and his show is awesome. Felt like we had a lot of things in common as well. But the crowds were so great and they showed up knowing some of my songs which made me the happiest person. Would love to get back in the road with him at some point.


A fan wants to know who’s the biggest inspiration in your life!?

I’d have to say that my biggest sole inspiration would be my mom. She’s worked insanely hard her whole life and I’ve never seen her give up or let anything get in her way. Every time I see a woman superhero it literally reminds me of my mom. 

Out of all of your songs, is there one you wish you could change or make a collaboration?

I think as an artist a song is never fully finished. It just comes to a point where you have to abandon it to move on to the next thing. I’m always hearing things I wish I could’ve done differently but I guess that’s part of the process. You learn a lot about yourself and your songs and what you want to hear the more you go.


What’s next for you?

I’m currently driving to Orlando for a SoFar Sounds show which will conclude the Strange Open Land Tour. After this I’ll head back home to Nashville where I recently moved to. I’m working on a lot of writing and recording at the moment and looking to release something in June. I’ll also be on tour throughout mid June to end of July.

Check Alex on tour this summer!! Credit: BlackBox PRCheck Alex on tour this summer!! Credit: BlackBox PR

Check Alex on tour this summer!! Credit: BlackBox PR

Lastly do you have a message for your fans?! 

I learned recently that life will start to change when the big decisions are made. This came up in a conversation with Max Frost last week on tour, and it’s been stuck in my head since then. You can’t be afraid to make the big decisions in life especially if you know they’re going to benefit you. 

Connect with Alex On his social media!! Instagram, Twitter, & Spotify

