NEW HOPE CLUB tells us about their experience on the Today Show, latest single “Crazy”, and details about their upcoming EP?!


Total Access Pass got the amazing opportunity to speak with the talented members of “New Hope Club”. We got the inside scoop on their next EP coming by the end of this month! Before we share you our full interview, we want to thank the New Hope Club boys for taking time out of their day to make this possible and to the Hollywood Records team for helloing us set this up. Ok, here is our interview!


New Hope Club consists of Northern England native members, Blake Richardson,George Smith, and Reece Bibbybonded over their shared mission of making anthemic yet acoustic-guitar-driven pop music. The first time they ever played music together, the three members of New Hope Club felt an undeniable chemistry. *

George, originally from London, plays guitar, piano & sings. He started playing guitar at the age of 11 and hasn’t put it down since! Blake, from further north, near Manchester, has always been singing and playing instruments from a very young age. He remembers always being on a karaoke set. Reece, from even further north than Blake, but still around the Manchester area, originally started playing drums. He got his first set at the age of 3. He then started taking interest in guitar and has been playing that for years. He now slays the bass in NHC.

* Courtesy of Hollywood Records Press


You guys recently performed and made your television debut, How did it feel to perform on the Today Show in New York?

It was absolutely ‘Crazy’ no pun intended! But yes it was so much fun, everyone on the set was so lovely and made us feel so welcome. We had a few fans who were allowed to come into the studio and watch our live performance, this was really fun for us as we just love performing. We had never done anything like this before and it was a great experienceD Elvis made us his ‘Artist of the Month’ which is absolutely insane and we are so grateful. It was great talking to him and the presenters backstage. Hopefully we can go and visit them again soon.


What’s your favorite part of touring with the vamps and HRVY? Are you excited to get to continue the tour in 2019?!

Yes the US tour was awesome, we had a great time. We have obviously toured with the vamps boys for a while now and we are really close with them. We hung out a lot, we played football on one of our days off. Unfortunately we lost, however we have 2019 to put things right. We share dressing rooms with Hrvy a few times on this tour and he is such a nice guys, was awesome to hang out with him. We would often just get out a guitar and just jam out to songs that we liked. I’m sure we will carry on throughout 2019 and maybe even do a cover together?


What’s the feeling like when you’re on stage and you have thousands of fans singing your lyrics back to you?

Honestly there is no feeling like it. You just can’t explain it, we have written song that have been just us three & they have started as a tiny little idea, maybe a little voice memo on our phones. We work on them at home where there is no one their just us and to think that something that we have done thousand of people know. It’s a very strange feeling that I don’t think we are going to get used to any time soon.

Do you have any rituals to get ready before every show individually or collectively as a band?

Yes before every show we play. We get all hyped up, Stand in a circle (well triangle) with our arms on each other’s shoulders. Start a little talk saying something like ‘let’s make this a good show boys!!’ Then we make up a little chant about the place we are about to play. Put our hands in the middle, twiddle our fingers and then do a three way high five. It’s a truly magical experience and then we feel ready for the show.

What is your favorite/most memorable city you’ve performed at so far from this tour? Why?

We have played in so many city’s and honestly it’s way too hard to chose. We feel that every show we play there is something really memorable to take from the show. As soon as we step off stage we make sure we have given it our all while stood up there and we try to make sure that everyone has had as good time as us!

How has the traveling affected your relationships with your friends and family back home?

We are away for months at a time however while away we keep our parents updated with pretty much everything we do. We FaceTime them as much as we can, it’s a really good way to stay in touch and see what is going on at home. Also while at home we tend to go and see our friends & have a catch up with them.



Can you tell us a little about your most recent single “Crazy”? What was the process like being in the studio, recording, writing, etc.?

Crazy was actually the first song we got back, when all the recording process was done that we thought ‘this is it’ we loved the song from the start. We felt like it was completely us, it has the old school feel that we wanted as we take so much inspiration from older bands such as The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac etc. The music video was also so much fun to film. We filmed it in LA on Venice beach, we’ve loved this spot from the first time we saw it a few years ago. We got Crazy in LA while on a writing trip so it sort of feels like it really worked to film it in the US! Again the video is also in a sort of old school vibe, we went for the 70’s look. We actually take a lot of fashion inspiration from that era so the music video fitted the song and us completely.

What is some advice you would give to someone who would be interested in pursuing a career in the music industry in the future?

Social media is honestly the biggest platform. With social media you can post your stuff online where anyone, all around the world can see. Social media is so important for us, we can keep In touch with people who are the other side of the world in the touch of a button. It is honestly so good. We love being able to be that close to our fans. We try to reply to as many comments as we can, it’s great hearing fans responses!

You guys recently shared that there will be an EP coming at the end of the month,What can we expect? Is there any song from the EP that you feel fans will love over the others?

Yes our EP ‘Welcome To The Club PT 2’ is coming out in the 30th of October. We are so excited, it’s our second EP we have released and there is a song on there, we don’t want to say the name of it yet. But we actually wrote it 100% ourselves while on tour last year, we are super excited to hear the feedback from our fans on this one. Blake actually produced this song while on tour and we cannot wait for this song no one has ever heard of before to be released. So yes we can’t wait for this EP to be released.

Follow New Hope Club 





Exclusive message from the guys themselves!

“Our fans have always been dedicated right from the very beginning. We love you so so much. We would just like to say a massive thanks to everyone who has supports us! We hope we can come and see you very very soon. And also we hope that you enjoy the brand new EP coming out this month!!” – George, Blake, and Reece

