EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Powfu, Rxseboy, and Sarcastic Sounds talks “Eye’s Blue Like The Atlantic Part 2,” & more


Following the release of Sista Prod’s “Eyes Blue Like The Atlantic,” Toronto-based producer Sarcastic Sounds puts a new spin in “Eyes Blue Like The Atlantic PART 2.” With help from RXSEBOY, Powfu, and Alec Benjamin, this new version is not one to disappoint.

We got the amazing opportunity to talk with Powfu, Rxseboy, and Sarcastic Sounds about what it was like working on this project, and so much more! Check out our full conversation below!

How did this come about? Who decided to make a part two of the song?

Sarcastic Sounds (SS): I think the label did. Basically, the label had signed the original record, and because the original record was just an instrumental, they wanted to make a proper version to see if they can take it and turn it into a lo fi direction. They then sent  it to my publisher who gave me the sample to try to make a beat with. I made the beat, then I wasn’t really sure we were going to do with it. And then Rxseby called me later  that day at 3 in the morning. And he like, you want to try something on it? We then stayed up until like 10 in the morning working on the song, laughing our asses off, sleep deprived, half dead… it came out super cool and they were just like super organic.

Rxseboy: Then we passed it to Powfu and we were like, let’s get the homie on it. Let’s make a frickin banger.

SS: The homie went on it, made a banger

 Rxseboy: And homie just said, hey, might’ve droppoed the craziest verse of 2020.

What was it like organizing this whole thing? How was that whole process for you?

SS: As soon as we made it, we were like this is crazy!

Rxseboy: This is cool. Yeah.

SS: And then Rxseboy sent it to Powfu right after, and label were sort of figuring out one more person on the track. They end up getting Alec Benjamin a few weeks later. There was a lot of back and forth and little production details that needed to be done. But the initial part was very easy to organize.

How long did it take having this record before releasing? 

Rxseboy: Probably three or four weeks. I think we felt like we (me and SS) did our part really quick and then SS had to just go back and make changes every time label wanted it.

How was the reception been for you guys, like the level on the song, like both versions is crazy. What was it like putting it out and seeing everybody just, like, immediately gravitate towards it? 

Powfu: It was really cool. it’s been my biggest song since “death bed.” It was pretty cool seeing all the love.

SS: For me it was definitely like the most like traction any of our songs has ever gotten straight out of the gate. It’s been a month and it’s already doing super well. So yeah, for sure. It’s been cool.

What did your production process look like for you individually or altogether? What do you do to make a song and how is it original to you?

SS: So I did a production for it. It was my usual process. When I’m doing a sample based song, I just get the sample speed up a bit, added liquify drums, but I wasn’t really inventing the wheel on the song. It’s really just about getting a groove for it and keeping it as simple as possible. At first, it was just the sample and drums and basic stuff like that. And then they asked me to add some piano part etc.

How did you bring your own styles to the song? Was this something you really wanted to put a spin on?

Rxseboy: Honestly, when I heard the beat, I knew that people like a serious direction when hearing the line, “going down” in the song, I thought, I’ma make it funny. I want to make this like comedic. And so, when it’s 4 in the morning and you haven’t slept in almost a day, you start saying some funny stuff. Me and SS were going back and forth on lyrics got some good stuff for it.Then of course, I got my verse. Probably one of my most comedic songs, I think, while keeping the sad undertones.

What can we expect from you guys in the future? 

 Powfu: Once quarantine is over, I’ll be going on tour, so that’s really cool. I haven’t been able to do that yet, so I’m excited for that! And I’m working on a big merch drop right now, which is also cool. And then, of course, working on music. So hopefully a new EP or something soon.

Rxseboy: Same thing here for SS and I…

SS: Except mine is only the merch and the tour!

