THE ORPHAN THE POET tells us about their single “Money”, touring with The Score, upcoming projects, and more!


 We got to speak with group, The Orphan The Poet at their show in Philadelphia. They gave us their, “Total Access Pass.

What has been your most memorable part of tour so far?!

The fans printed off their own fake money, like these the orphan the poet dollars. And right when it the chorus hit in our song money they threw them at us! And no joke I almost like fell over! It was crazy I loved it!

What is your favorite part of getting to tour around the Country supporting The Score?

David: I think this is a really cool tour for us. Getting to support The Score is incredible, we love those guys they’re incredible and amazing musicians as well as people

Jake: This tour is a lot of new cities and land showing having people sing us the lyrics to us and having them know the lyrics to a song that we just released a week ago is absolutely crazy. Having people show up to a new city we’ve never been before and signing our songs is the greatest thing in the world.

David: I don’t know how they know the words to a song that was released a week ago cause like I’m still hoping that I don’t mess up on the lyrics to the song.

What inspired your band name?

It’s just from an old friend I grew up with. It’s kinda like covert but she’s just like a cool person so why not name a band after you!

Can you tell use more about your recent single “Money” and what the process was like?

David: Our recent single which is called “money,” Super proud of it! We got to work with a super cool guy named Matt Squire. It was actually a pretty unique process for us. We got in contact with Matt through our management and we were all super stoked about it. Matt was like yeah just come down and we ended up writing a song that day and recorded it. And typically for us we would normally be like “oh no we need to work on a single song for like six months and rewrite it and re record it” but this wasn’t like that.

Jake: it was so incredible to be able to one night write and song and the next day get to record it!

Dave: We recorded with Matt and immediately went into tour rehearsals and went on the road. So we put it up and it ended up being super successful!

What’s your favorite part of recording and writing your music?

David: My favorite part has to be when I’m done with the vocals. That’s kind of a cop out answer but my favorite part has to be that collaborative thing. I love sitting down with Jake and Sam and that creative flow and for me that’s so rewarding. You get that little tick in the back of your mind like oh that could be a good song, and when it actually becomes great nothing is more rewarding. What about you?

Jake: Kind of the same thing, especially the recording process for our latest single. it seems a lot of pressure to show up and just have to write a song today but it’s actually super fun and we get super jacked up on coffee and we’re all just spitting out ideas!

Does it ever feel different working by yourself vs working in a band?

Jake: I like working more in a band setting. But when you’re by yourself there’s that inner voice in your heading saying is this good enough? But when it’s the three of us in the room together it’s just like yeah let’s do that, I like that, let’s roll with it.

David: I would say, I definitely think the three person is awesome. But I’m a solitary guy, I’m very inward, I think of myself of as an extroverted introvert, I disguise myself like yes! I’m so outgoing. But honestly I just wanna sit somewhere and read aha. But uh for me, having the basics of having the time by myself and getting my thoughts together before going in a group setting and sharing those ideas, it just helps me to have that alone time.

Can you tell us about any upcoming projects?

David- Yeah! I think we have some super amazing and cool projects coming up soon and we’re so excited for everyone to hear about it. But just keep your ears ready and keep your eyes to your social media!

Follow The Orphan The Poet on social media!

Twitter: @TOTPBand

Instagram: @TOTPBand

