On The Rise: Friday Pilots Club

We got the chance to speak with the amazing duo, Friday Pilots Club! We’re so excited to welcome them to our On The Rise series!! Check out our interview below!

Credit: Emma ZangerCredit: Emma Zanger

Credit: Emma Zanger

 For readers who aren’t familiar with you and your music, can you share with us how you began your musical journey?

“We met at a party and realized not that we loved the same types of music but that we wanted to create the same type of music with vastly different musical likings. Since then we have gotten lucky with some of the most devoted lovely fans and one of the best teams out there. There are a lot of people doing it better out there, but I doubt people have gotten as lucky as we have with the fans that support us and the team that makes what we want to do next a possibility” – C  

 Tell us more about your new single ‘Breaking My Bones”! What did your process look like for this track?

“Like many others, this song idea has been thrown around a lot over the past year or so starting with Drew creating it. We did a lot of minor tweaks over that time but the song as you know it now happened very quickly; three weeks before it was recorded” – C

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 How did Friday Pilots Club come about? Tell us your story.

“As mentioned, we met at a party and immediately were those dudes in the corner with a guitar, shooting songs back and forth. One of our bandmates had just moved away so Drew stepped in for a show and he killed it! I invited him to officially be a part of the band and in a short matter of time, I was wondering how it ever existed without him. I hope he doesn’t read this because he’ll get all cocky but damn that kid is talented. After the former members left to pursue their individual careers we invited three of the most talented musicians we knew to join us (who also happened to be our close friends). We recorded some cool stuff with John Fields, played a bunch of shows, signed to BMJVR, and have just been cruising!” – C

 When writing, do you guys ever struggle with writer’s block? If so, how do you overcome that as a duo?

“Absolutely, there is one fix to this that I would suggest, put it down, go outside, work on something else, and then come back to it when you feel it’s important again. If you try and force it you’re going to hate it eventually” -C

 Out of all the songs you’ve released since 2017, which one has the most meaning to you guys?

“Weirdly, “End of It” is for me (selfishly) – It was the first song I ever wrote that I liked” -C

 As a duo, do you both have common musical interests?

“A few, the common things; The Killers, Catfish and The bBttlemen but we’ve also gotten each other into other types of music, Drew has actually been getting me into a lot of metal” – C

 Being musicians, are you involved in the production and mixing process of your songs? 

“Drew definitely is, he’s a producer/engineer/everything. If you’re reading this right now and you need a producer or mixer hit him up. He produced all of the records you’re about to hear!” – C

Credit: Emma ZangerCredit: Emma Zanger

Credit: Emma Zanger

 Do you have any advice for up and coming musicians?

“Don’t hire people too soon. If you’re super small and out of the gate, wait until you’ve gained leverage and at least minor notoriety before you hire a manager or anything else (this is not about our managers Zach and Roger, they’re great). Put out music, play shows, gain interest. Let someone approach you about working for you and then make sure their heart’s in the right place. Musicians don’t talk about this too much but there are a lot of snakes out there that will shoot whatever you’re doing in the foot just because they think they know the right way when the truth is it’s all about collaboration. Don’t hire someone just to have someone around to tell you how good you are. It’s the team that challenges you to keep getting better that you’re looking for, and they will find you. Just be patient” – C

 Would you say you’ve evolved since your first single “End Of It”? 

“We certainly have. We’ve gotten more cunning with our writing and production. We’re off the ropes because we trust what’s in our corner. We’re definitely trying crazy things but not being cavalier. It’s a lot more calculated than I can explain” – C

 How have you been handling quarantine? Do you guys feel more or less productive?

“We’ve been going crazy but there’s solace in knowing that everyone is to an extent. We’ve been doing a lot to be productive, but you know, wear a mask and believe in science and we’ll get back to the new normal in no time” – C

  Lastly, where do you see yourselves musically in the next five years?

“Struggling with whether I should still be wearing tight clothing or not”, “musically, right where we are now, consistently trying to push the envelope and create cool sounding, well-written music”

Credit: Emma ZangerCredit: Emma Zanger

Credit: Emma Zanger

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