REVIEW: Michelle Ray “Dear Hollywood” Single

Moving forward in 2021, this year is all about positivity, being honest, and not worrying about what others have to say while breaking down barrier stereotypes. Los Angeles based singer-songwriter, Michelle Ray, is sharing her new single “Dear Hollywood” with the world as the first release of the new year.

“Besides the issue that magazines used retouched photos causing me to try and achieve an unrealistic physical goal, there is also a facade about Hollywood when it comes to stars and fame.”

“Dear Hollywood,” is Ray’s most vulnerable song to date. With a beautiful string arrangement throughout the track and a strong chorus, Ray speaks about her experience in the industry at a young age to her life now at the age of 28, and coming to the realization that there’s “nothing real in Hollywood.

With references in the track like, “cause Miley says it’s the land of fame excess,” and how everyone in Los Angeles/Hollywood makes it seem like its “glitter and rainbows,” and everyone is “happier,” when you’re here. But in reality, it’s not. Instead, it’s full of stereotypical/high standards that we as a society are just going off of someone else’s experience who is successful and has “made it,” instead of creating our own life in the city of angels.

Listen to “Dear Hollywood” on all music streaming platforms here.

Follow Michelle Ray on social media and follow along her journey:

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