On The Rise: Griff

We recently had the chance to chat with Warner records artist, Griff!!! She is so incredible and we immediately wanted to feature her on our the rise series! She’s going to be HUGE!! We’re happy to say we knew her when! Check out our conversation below!


For readers who aren’t familiar with your music, can you share with us how you began your career?

Okay very very long story short, I guess I’ve been writing and recording original songs at home since maybe 12/13 years old. But the songs weren’t very good at all. I didn’t have loads of links to the industry but there were a lot of great people in church who wanted to support me, and they introduced me to whoever they knew that they thought could help. I met more industry people and started co-writing more when I could outside of school. Warner must’ve heard some music through my lawyer I think. They were really excited so I signed to Warner last year. But I still had to finish my A levels, so this summer took my exams, and a week later released my first single “Mirror Talk!”

Out of the three singles you’ve released so far, what has been your favorite?
Thats soooo hard, that’s like choosing your favorite child! I’m gonna say “Mirror Talk,” I feel like it’s the most unique song I’ve released so far. Also, it was the first song that kick started me as an artist so for me, it kind of represents leaving school, finishing that season of life and pursuing music.

Congrats on your debut EP!! What has it been like being able to create a full body of work?! Do you feel as if it embodies who you are at the moment?

Thanks!! It’s been fun! I mean most of the songs on the EP are written and produced by me alone, so in that sense it doesn’t get more me if that makes sense. But at the same time, some of the songs are like 3 years old, so I think it kind of embodies who I’ve been over the past couple years.


What is your favorite part of being able to be creative within all aspects of your music? Do you enjoy creating all the artistic aspects such as music videos, cover art, etc?
Yeah it’s been fun! I think I’ve learned that I’m way more particular with visuals than I thought. Haha. But the best part has been styling and making all the clothes for the shoots myself.

How do you feel as you approach your first headlining show?!
Oh gosh I’m bricking it. I just want it to be really really really good. So yeah, it will be but I’m still very nervous.


Who is your biggest musical inspiration?

This is so hard because I feel like I listen to loads of individual songs more than I listen to whole artists. But I reckon growing up in church, hearing like anthemic music every Sunday has definitely played into my passion for making songs, but I think my first love for song writing came when I discovered Taylor Swift’s album Fearless when I was like 8 years old.  

What does your typical song writing process look like?!
It changes depending on if I’m alone or if I’m in sessions with other people. Most of the time, I just start with some chords or a cool sound on Logic and see what melodies come out. But when I work alone I usually only work for like 2 hours at a time and revisit the same idea over a course of days / weeks. Whereas in a session, usually there’s a song by the end of the day.

Would you say that having a unique style and sound, which you totally have, is important to artist development??

For sure. I think it’s the thing I’m most conscious of when I’m making anything, music, videos, cover art, etc. because there’s really no point of me pursing a career in music if it sounds/ looks like all the other pop girls.


What is your biggest goal for 2020??

Oh goals scare me a bit. My biggest goal is always to write my best songs yet , which whilst that seems simple, it’s so hard.

Lastly, what can we expect from you in the future?! 

More live shows!!

Griff just released her debut EP, check it out here.
Follow Griff:

Twitter: @wiffygriffy

Instagram: @wiffygriffy

Facebook: facebook.com/WiffyGriffy/

Special thanks to Warner Records!


