On The Rise: Kay Cook

Los Angeles native, Kay Cook, just recently released her debut EP, “I Don’t Know You.” After solely releasing singles, this is the first body of work released by the up and coming artist. We are so happy to have had the chance to sit down with Kay. Check out our conversation regarding what’s new, what’s to come, and what she’s been up to during these times.

Photo Credit: Sophie Luz

For our readers who aren’t familiar with you and your music, can you share with us how you began your musical journey?

I’ve been singing and songwriting since I was 11, it’s something I’ve always loved to do. I feel that as I’ve been getting older, its become more of a hobby to me.

You just recently released your debut EP, “I Don’t Know you,” can you take us through the creative process for this EP? 

All of my songs, I write on keyboard, guitar, piano. That’s why I either have just the chords or melody sometimes, or I have lyrics written down in notes in my phone, I’m always writing down lines I like, if I hear someone say something that I like, or if I say something that I like, I literally write it all in my notes. Someone that I’m super close with has a home studio, and he’s been able to help me. I’ll go in, with a song I’ve written, or I’ll come in with an idea, and we work together to turn them into songs.


Out of the three songs from your EP, which was the most difficult to write, and which was the easiest?

The most difficult one to write was probably “What’s Meant to Stay.” It also happens to be my favorite. It was a super different song for me, I usually don’t write songs like that, it was a whole thing where I was rewriting the chorus, I probably rewrote it, 2 or 3 times, and then I had to rewrite the pre-chorus and all of that a couple of times to get it to sound how I wanted it to sound, so that was probably the most difficult one. The one that came easiest was probably “Complicated.” I had that one written for a while, and I feel like that one was just super easy for me to write.

It’s been 8 months since your last release, “Favorite Drug.” How does that single differ from what’s on your EP and what’s to come?

I feel like with “Favorite Drug,” it was much easier with me to come out with because I had released so many singles and it’s what I’m used to. But I feel like an EP was definitely different for me. I’m a very eager person, as soon as I finish a song, I like to put them out, and it was difficult for me with this one because I kind of had to wait because I would write one and we would finish one, and I was super anxious to get them all out there.

You take songwriting credits for a majority of your recent releases. What separates singing from songwriting for you? 

I feel like singing is something I’ve always done. Songwriting is different because I actually have to sit there and think about what I want to write about. I always think its super cool when I listen to other songs and other artists and I’m able to relate to the lyrics. So its definitely more fun for me, I’m able to release music and put it out there for people to listen and relate to.

Are you the type of person to just one and done a song? Like, sit down, and power through a whole song at once? Or do you write in bits and pieces and come back to it from time to time?

So normally, I finish writing the whole song in one day, that’s kind of just the rough [draft] of me playing it on the keyboard, playing it on guitar. And then I go in when I’m actually recording and I change what I hear and I change it to be more of how I envisioned it in my head.

What is the creative process behind your work? What usually comes first when making something new? A chord? A lyric? A melody? 

Normally, the chords come first for me. I’ll sit down and I’ll find a melody and the chords I like on piano and on guitar.

Amidst the pandemic and the lockdown order, what have you been doing to pass time?

I’ve been sleeping a lot, I’ve also been binge watching shows, of course writing songs, just trying to busy myself and keep myself distracted as best I can.

What can fans expect from you within this upcoming year?

I am currently trying to write songs to help pass the time, so they can definitely expect more music from me, hopefully soon.

Where do you see yourself musically in 5 years from now? 

In 5 years from now, I definitely see myself continuing to write, whether that’s for me or for other people. I am definitely still going to be doing stuff musically, I feel like I can’t imagine myself doing anything else.

Do you have a message for your fans? And do you have a message for people who have yet to discover you and your music?

If they don’t already know who I am, they should definitely share my music, and to my fans, I want to thank them for all of their love and support, it truly means the world to me, they have gotten me to where I am today.

Photo Credit: Sophie Luz

Keep up with Kay Cook on Instagram | YouTube | Spotify

