On The Rise: The Røyls Talk Influences, Boy Bands, Live Shows & More

We recently had the chance to speak with on the rise band, Røyls! Check our our conversation below!


You guys have been a band for less than a year, what has it been like getting to work with other talented individuals when you formed?! 

All the exposure we’ve had to talented and hard-working individuals has been SO inspiring and gets us excited. It’s nice to see other people care and work so hard on the same things that we do.

How would you say over these past few months you guys have grown musically since your debut single “savages”?!

We’ve really learned to explore new sounds and concepts since then. We’ve grown a lot as writers individually and especially as a collective.


Tell us more about your new EP “I think too much” what was your creative process like for that body of work?

We spent most of the time writing it in John Feldmann’s studio with him. It was so inspiring to work with him, and we opened up a lot more than we ever have as writers. A lot of coffee, ping pong, and moving from room to room writing.

What has been your favorite experience so far with getting to create music you love?

Our favorite experience was doing a UK tour which included playing Reading & Leeds. It was incredible to perform what we had created to new faces and hear a lot of them singing our songs back at us.


As a band have you had any favorites moments or crazy experiences since your inception in March?

I would say Reading & Leeds was one of our all-time band highs we’ve had so far. It was magical to get on a stage that big and show everyone what we are about.

With the era of boy bands on an all-time high, would you classify yourselves as one, even though you don’t fit the mold?

We’re not exactly sure what to classify ourselves as, if people think of us as something, we think that’s just up to them. We ARE young dudes with medium length hair so that would make sense if people want to classify us as a boy band.


Who are your musical influences as a band?! 

We love The 1975, Joan, The Band CAMINO, and LANY. Alternative pop is where we get the most inspiration usually.

What’s next for you?! Can you share any details of your upcoming projects?!

We can’t share too much, but we are definitely going to be writing and playing as many shows as possible in the next year.

