Texas band “Hannah Who” talks new music, EP’s, and so much more!


We got the amazing opportunity to speak with upcoming band from Texas, Hannah Who! We talked about so much from their creative process, their dream venue to perform at, and even their new music! Check it out!

Can you introduce yourselves?

Hey, we’re a 3 piece band from Texas! Dorian is the singer, Sef is the guitarist, Andrew is the drummer. We self produce all our music.


What’s the creative process like for the band? what inspires you to write music?

Inspiration strikes from various different things. Movies, other music.. Maybe just a random chord progression. The writing comes from where we are in life, what we’re going through and such. 

Can you explain the backstory behind your band name?

The backstory to the name of our band is a mystery. It’s a really good name if we ever feel like telling a knock knock joke though. 

As a band, do you have any common music interests? 

Yeah, we all have the same music taste when it comes to our favorite bands.. It’s still different in a way but it helps us our music achieve its own sound because everyone is open minded to a lot of each others ideas.


What’s one venue you guys dream about playing?

I don’t think we have a dream venue yet but we would love to play at any music festival. That’s a big goal for us.

Out of all the songs on your latest EP “You don’t have to try so hard!” what song took the longest to write and which song is the most meaningful and why?

Honestly, all our songs get done really quickly. We always finish a song in a day or two. That might be a bad thing but its how we work I guess. Dorian: The most meaningful song I’ve written would have to be the title track because it resonates with the challenges I encountered in 2018. Sef : I think the most meaningful song to me would have to be Hotelevision because its just so honest to me… Musically my favorite would have to be You Don’t Have to take Try so Hard just because I felt like my production style was really coming together. 

Your most streamed song on Spotify is “Polaroid” did you ever expect it to do so well?

We make music for ourselves and like 5 of our friends so anything outside that will always take us by surprise and feel surreal.


Do you guys prefer EP’s over albums?

At this stage of our career, we do prefer EP’s because we lack the patience that an album challenges you with.

Your fans want to know when can expect a music video?!

We do have a music video coming out.. Again, I’m not at liberty to give out an exact date but VERY SOON

Has anything or anyone influenced your music and fashion styles both personally or as a band.

We are all super into fashion. We are honestly inspired by everything around us. Movies, magazines, a random person on the streets.. 

Can we expect a Hannah Who tour anytime soon?

Yes, we’re currently working on setting up a tour a little later in the year but we’re trying to plan something around SXSW.

What does the future look like for Hannah Who?

We have a lot of new things coming out that we’re not at liberty to say just yet but big things coming soon. We’re so excited!!


Connect with Hannah Who on their social media:

Instagram: @lovehannahwho |Twitter: @lovehannahwho |Spotify: Click here

